Saturday, December 31, 2022

Understand your Somatotype

A theory developed in the 1940s by 'W.H. Sheldon' to classify human physical types dictates there are three main body compositions determined predominantly by genetics.

  •    Ectomorph (usually thin, naturally resemble a long distance runner).
  •    Endomorph (generally larger frame with difficulty shifting fat).
  •    Mesomorph (often both quick and powerful, builds lean muscle quite easily).
Now this is purely a theory, something you may decide to trial.  Often our bodies will consist a combination of, or even all.  We may also alter the ratios on a long-term basis based on our lifestyles, exercise regime, nutrition, etc. but in general, the theory suggests we can narrow the source towards one somatotype and therefore make small adjustments to our macros accordingly. This allows us to tune our bodies on a biological level correlating to body composition and so enhance the capability of reaching our goal's.

Keep in mind, the ultimate goal is to understand our OWN body for optimal tweaking.

Ectomorphs: Usually respond well to diets high in carbohydrates (due to an increased tolerance) and protein but low in fat.

Endomorphs: High protein and fat but low carbohydrate is key as energy derived from carbohydrates tends to be more likely stored as fat than utilised.

Mesomorphs: Unfortunately for the rest of us they tend to have a small genetic advantage physically, so a balanced ratio of calories with moderately distributed quantities of protein, fats and carbohydrates generally works.

Is it as simple as this?  I don't think so as there's also other factors to consider such as calorie intake, macros, adherence, stress, etc.  How can we do this? Hire a Personal Trainer (shameless plug), educate yourself, trial and error (there's always an element of this, even with Personal Training as everyone is different, we can just greatly narrow the margins and options due to experience).

Some professionals in the health & fitness industry believe macronutrient ratios are more indicative of the client's/athlete's global origin and crop naturally available to their ancestry.

In summary, I believe it's better to be educated as some theories will eventually be proven, others not.  In the mean time, it provides a potential tool for the toolbox.

Instagram: ampersonaltrainingltd
Facebook: AMPersonalTrainingLtd

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